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Call for a Quote Today!

We are a point of sale company. Payment is due when the service is provided. We want to focus on providing the best service – rather than collecting payments.

Initial Service Calls – We do have a charge for this initial inspection, and it is due on the day of service.

Prevent-A-Mouse Program – Payments are due on the day of service. There is a charge for every replenishment and visit under this program.

Bat Exclusion Program – For some, billing can be confusing because people are accustomed to paying when the job is complete (for large projects). But, when is a bat exclusion job complete? Depending on the time of year, it may be several months before a bat exclusion job will be completed (and we need to pay employees during our slow times). One example is during the maternity season. We might complete the majority of our caulking work but will need to return to install the one-way doors when the baby bats start flying in August. A second example, is where an exclusion was started in the early winter, but the bats will not likely exit until Spring. Is the job complete when the we install the one-way doors…the caulk dries clear…when the bats exit…when we remove the one way doors…or when the 1 year service agreement is complete?

Here is how we handle billing for the bat program: Payment is due for the full contract amount when the bat doors are added to the building; or when caulking is started during the maternity season (May 21st – Aug 1). This is our policy – year round. If our terms are not acceptable, please start the project at a different time of year or choose another company that is a better fit for your payment requirements.

Late Fees and Payment Programs:
We do not offer payment programs, but we do accept all major credit cards.

For delinquent accounts, we may forward to a third party for collection, assess a $100 fee, and cancel the remainder of your service agreement.

Our Typical Customer:
Our typical customer wants the best company available. We love educated customers that have done their homework. It is up you to make the decision to utilize our team. We look forward to establishing a long term relationship with customers that have done their research, pay bills on time and help us maintain a strong viable company for years to come.

We appreciate your prompt payment, it helps us focus on providing the best service (rather than collecting receivables), grow our business, pay employees, and fund our community care programs.

Thank you for your business and support!

Propestmen of Ohio, Inc.
P.O. Box 874, Grove City, OH 43123
(614) 344-4278

Service Area



Bat Removal & Control

Copyright 2005-2024