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No Subscription Pest Control!
No Subscription Pest Control!
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Do you have a mouse in the house? Give us a call and you can speak with an expert.

If you believe that you only have one mouse in the house, think again. Mice reproduce rapidly – do not delay. There are numerous reasons why you may have a mouse in your house and why you may have seen the one.

Learn reasons you have mice in your house:

  • Mice use our homes for shelter from predators such as hawks, owls, and cats.
  • Food Sources. Homes have ample supplies of food in the pantry. Also, bird seed & pet food are provide food. Mice can get all their water needs from food.
  • Homes provide a good climate all times of the year

  • Mice explore and communicate by marking their territory with thousands of micro droplets of urine. If you have seen a mouse in the house it is safe to assume there are more nearby.

    What to do when you have a mouse in the house?
  • Reduce habitat around the perimeter of your home. This includes, keeping grass short, trimming back hedges, and keeping debris away from the home.
  • Secure sources of food. Keep birdseed and pet food in sealed containers.
  • Seal openings on the home. This includes construction gaps, reinforcing attic ventilation, and sealing pipe penetrations.
  • Control local populations around your home.

  • Investigate our Prevent-A-MouseTM program to learn about our evolved process to control mice in the house.


    Propestmen of Ohio, Inc.
    P.O. Box 874, Grove City, OH 43123
    (614) 344-4278

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