Our Prevent-A-MouseTM program is an evolved process that was developed over a decade of experience. Mice reproduce rapidly, effective control can be an ongoing battle. Our evolved process includes: sealing of pipe penetrations, rodenticide application, and optional followup visits. Additional caulking, such as entire house caulking may also be provided at an additional fee to be quoted by your service technician.
Prevent-A-Mouse Setup: Inspection of attics. Sealing of ground-level pipe penetrations. Treatment of Attic(s), basements. You may elect to upgrade to include exterior bait stations to create a zone of protection around the home, or to protect sheds, boats, and garages.
Total Replenishment: Followup treatments to replenish your attic, basement, garage, and any large weighted exterior bait stations. You need to be home to provide access.
Exterior Only Replenishment: A convenient and effective strategy. No need to be home. We service all of the LARGE weighted bait stations that were set up outside the home where we have unimpeded access. Once you approve of an exterior only treatment, we schedule it at our convenience during the next week or so. In exchange for an economical price, we get flexibility to fill our schedule and route logistically correct.
Exterior Only PLUS: Exterior only service where you get to choose the day or technician. This is for those that demand more specific time frames and would like the interior bait stations serviced. This does not include attic inspections or treatment.
Insect Treatments If you have our branded large exterior bait stations, then we will service these for free as part of our Perimeter-Strike and Stinger-Stopper programs.
A good strategy is to followup your initial treatment within 4 weeks. This will replenish any rodenticide that was consumed when the population was at its greatest level. It will also give our technician some data to help judge frequency of future visits. The next treatment may be filling any large weighted stations that you purchased from us, so that it can be managed from the outside. Frequency of replenishments depend on the type of mice pressure your home receives. Replenishments may vary from 4-12 weeks, depending on activity, habitat, and resident population. The strategy is to ensure a constant supply of rodenticide, to control population booms. If it is discovered that rodenticide is completely gone during a replenishment, we may advise more frequent attention.
We want you to be successful. We reward customers that complete 4 paid trips in any of our trademarked programs, get service charge waived in the following year.
Mice reproduce rapidly, 6 mice can turn into 60 mice in just 3 months! Call today!
Our Prevent-A-MouseTM Program is available for mice control and mice prevention in the Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton regions of Ohio. Please consider our mouse control and prevention program for your Ohio home. Review our Service Territory.