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No Subscription Pest Control!
No Subscription Pest Control!
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Looking for a company to provide you with stinging insect pest control service?

Choose our Stinger StopperTM program and zero in on active nests of stinging insects such as yellowjackets, hornets and wasps that are causing you problems. If you participate in our Prevent-A-Mouse TM program and have our branded weighted bait stations, we will refill those on the exterior of home for free while we are on site for these treatments.

For preventative treatments, we recommend our Perimeter-Strike Program with followup every 8-12 weeks during the warmer seasons.

Bees, Wasps, Hornet Extermination Service
Looking for an exterminating service? You have come to the right place. We have the tools that can be used to access nests in out of reach areas. We carry backpack sprayers with extension poles that can reach two to three stories.

How to get rid of stinging insects such as bees, wasps & hornets?
There are many ways to get rid of a nest of yellowjackets or ground bees. The safest method is to hire a professional exerminator because they have the proper tools to complete the task. They may choose a pesticide dust that sticks to the insects and they take it into the nest which kills it within a day or two. There are aerosols that can kill the bees instantly, however some will be foraging and will not be effected.

Propestmen of Ohio, Inc.
P.O. Box 874, Grove City, OH 43123
(614) 344-4278

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