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No Subscription Pest Control!
No Subscription Pest Control!
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New Customers
Our service is on demand customized to your home, no subscription. There is a $149 fee to dispatch a technician to your home. This fee can be waived if you choose to have any pesticide program service completed while technician is on site. This fee may also be deducted from any bat exlusion quote as noted on contract. All confirmed appointments are a 4 hour window to allow sufficient time for routing logistics. We only accept credit and debit cards. You must have a valid email and cell phone for use to provide effective communication for service. By becoming a customer, you consent to text messages and emails for invoicing and reminders.

Existing customers, we are glad you are in our community. If you would like to schedule a service that requires your presence, please suggest some 4 hour windows that work for you

Service Price & Description
Prevent-A-Mouse Setup (Mice): $399 (Seal groundlevel exterior pipe penetrations, attic treatment, install indoor bait stations. (Branded weighted exterior bait station are $65 each.
Total Replenishment (Mice): $250 (Attic treatment, service indoor bait stations & optional exterior stations)
Exterior Only PLUS (Mice): $179. Replenishment of optional exterior stations. Where you request a specific day and we can service garage or interior stations. NO ATTIC treatment for this level of service.
Exterior Only (Mice): $85. Replenishment on optional exterior stations. We have flexibility to move appointment around a week or so. We do this to route our trucks efficiently.
Perimeter-Strike (Insects) $299. We have flexibility on scheduling ground level perimeter treatment. Includes servicing of our (optional) branded exterior bait stations for mice. We have flexibility to move appointment around a week or so. We do this to route our trucks efficiently.
Perimeter-Strike PLUS (Insects) $399. Where you need specific day, tech or want higher level treatment. Includes servicing of our (optional) branded exterior bait stations for mice.
Stinger-Stopper (Insects) $299. Treatment of individual stinging insect nest. Includes servicing of our (optional) branded exterior bait stations for mice.
Pricing is for typical residential homes. Exceptionally sized estate homes may have higher pricing.

Propestmen of Ohio, Inc.
P.O. Box 874, Grove City, OH 43123
(614) 344-4278

Service Area



Bat Removal & Control

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